Module WHMCS Whatsapp Notification API - ENGLISH Print

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Link to download your Whatsapp Module:

Please follow below instruction to continue the activation.

Start Installation on WHMCS
1. Download latest suiten_whatsapp from clientarea and extract the ZIP file to your WHMCS installation folder, subfolder: modules/addon
2. After ZIP extract is completed, login to your WHMCS, select 'Setup' tab, and 'Addon Modules'
3. Click on 'SUITEN Whatsapp API', and click 'Activate'
4. Click on 'Configure' and select Roles which are allowed to access, then 'Save Changes'
5. Click on 'Addons' tab at WHMCS, there should be 'SUITEN Whatsapp API' menu shown

Realtime Mode Preparation
1. Ensure that our Server IP can access your WHMCS Database Server (Remote SQL enabled at port 3306, Firewall allow port 3306 traffic)
2. Create a new MySQL username and password and grant SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE privileges ONLY to table 's10wa_sendmsg' (this table will be created after you activate the Whatsapp Module)

  • Open SSH terminal using root, then issue following command
    mysql -u root -p
  • Enter your MySQL root password
  • Issue following commands on MySQL prompt
    CREATE USER 'wanotif'@'(our_server_api)' IDENTIFIED BY '*YourRandomPassw0rd#*';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON (your_whmcs_dbname).s10wa_sendmsg TO 'wanotif'@'(our_server_api)';

3. Inform the newly created username (e.g. wanotif) and password to our team via Ticket using following link:

Managing your Whatsapp Notification Module
1. Click 'Addons' tab and select 'SUITEN Whatsapp API'
2. All control is set from this interface
3. Click 'License Management' and input your License keys

License Key: xxxx
Registered License Email: Your email address
API Key: You may leave it blank (or enter any random alphanumeric characters, if you need to send Whatsapp from other application)
PDF Invoice Prefix: Invoice Filename Prefix (default: "Invoice-")

5. Configure your system on 'Manage Settings':

Signature to be sent:
Enter any message for your whatsapp footer

Additional Settings
Admin WA Number: Enter your admin/support Whatsapp Numbers (these numbers will receive notification when there is new support ticket opened by client_
Message Log Retention: How long to keep log of Whatsapp Messages

Module Management
Country Code : Enter your country code (eg. for Indonesia: ID)
Country Calling Prefix: Enter your country calling code (eg. for Indonesia: 62)
Mobile Number Prefix: Enter your country mobile number prefix, if any (for Indonesia: 8;08)

Sending Method
If you want to use custom field for Whatsapp Number, create it at WHMCS, and set the field value here.

Send WA only for Invoices
To resend invoice notification without resending email

6. Configure 'Whatsapp Template'

Setting for Pooling System
Enter Information provided from Activation email on 'License Management Section' :
WADB Server IP
WADB Server Database Name
WADB Server Database User
WADB Server Database Password

Whatsapp Web Sending Activation
Prepare your mobile phone which will be used for sending Whatsapp message then
to scan WhatsApp Web QRCode

Should you have any query, do not hesitate to contact us by email or chat on website.


Several comparison between two modes:

Realtime Mode:
+ all messages will be instantly queued for delivery
- Require RemoteSQL access
for shared hosting account, need to check with provider if their server can do RemoteSQL

Pooling Mode (SYNC)
+ No RemoteSQL required
Relatively easier setup
- Messages will be delivered following WHMCS' cron schedule
- Sending report will be updated on the next following cron schedule
- Cannot delete message in queue after messages have synced to API server


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